• Own car and accomodation
- Ride to the unknown, without specific planning / reservation
- Rough route planning
without specific advance reservation
- Planned route with advance reservations
• Rental car and accomodation
- Traveling by train or airplane
Rough route planning
without specific advance reservation
(maybe reservation for first/last night?)
Planned route with advance reservations
• Own camper
Ride to the unknown, without specific planning / reservation
Rough route planning
without specific advance reservation
Planned route maybe with advance reservations
• Rental camper
- Start from „home“ or
traveling by train or airplane
Rough route planning
without specific advance reservation
(maybe reservation for first/last night?)
Planned route maybe with advance reservations
• Car rental with local driver
In regions where driving by yourself may cause problems/difficulties often there is the oportunity to organize a road trip by rental car with a local driver. For such tours a detailed route planning with advance reservations of accomodation may be the best choice.