The Roadtrip

What Exactly is a Road Trip?

According to Duden Dictionary, it is about a “long journey by car, often without a fixed route plan”. The Cambridge Dictionary explains “road trip” as “a long trip or holiday taken by car”. From my point of view, the term road trip describes a special way of traveling, almost an attitude towards life when exploring new regions. Even though the term "new regions" actually is not appropriate  for me, because time and again I experience that leaving the beaten path, even in well-known areas, provides great potential for completely new perspectives and the discovery of exciting new things. The perfect road trip perhaps would be to get into the car and drive freely and independently, without a specific goal, without planning in advance, without time restrictions. For the normal holiday-maker, who is teased by the flexibility and spontaneity of discovering new territory on the “own” four wheels, this ultimate form of road trip often will not really be suitable. May factors such as time and money hinder the pleasure of unlimited freedom, may it simply be the desire to have a concept  for the holiday project which is predictable in terms of time and budget and not have to worry about where to rest your weary head every night. After all, our vacation trips are usually about getting to know a certain region at the best in a given period of time and avoiding losing track of space and time in freedom. For this reason, I would like to provide some practical tips for the planning and realization of trips by car on this website and offer you professional support for such projects.

Roadtrip - Where and How?

The classic road trips are of course car trips to the United States or Canada, as both countries are ideal for this type of travel. The vastness of the country, the spacious, well-developed roads, countless hotels, motels and campgrounds in good standard, all of this makes North America a predestined destination for road trips. But - and this is an important aspect, especially in times of pandemic travel restrictions - a road trip can basically be implemented wherever you dare to drive by yourself, whether it be with your own car, rental car or camper. Actually it starts in your home country - believe me, there is astonishingly a lot to see and marvel at, even for those who widely traveled, when you leave the motorway in Austria or Germany and move a little off the main routes. Even our neighboring countries as well as more distant European destinations are very well qualified for discovery by car. Whether your own car or, especially for longer distances, traveling by train or airplane in combination with a rental car is the right choice has to be decided from case to case!

Project Types

• Own car and accomodation
 - Ride to the unknown, without specific planning / reservation
 - Rough route planning , without specific advance reservation
 - Planned route with advance reservations
• Rental car and accomodation
 - Traveling by train or airplane
   °  Rough route planning , without specific advance reservation
     (maybe reservation for first/last night?)
 -  Planned route with advance reservations
• Own camper
 -  Ride to the unknown, without specific planning / reservation
 -  Rough route planning , without specific advance reservation
 -  Planned route maybe with advance reservations
• Rental camper
 - Start from „home“ or traveling by train or airplane
   °  Rough route planning , without specific advance reservation
      (maybe reservation for first/last night?)
   °  Planned route maybe with advance reservations
• Car rental with local driver
In regions where driving by yourself may cause problems/difficulties often there is the oportunity to organize a road trip by rental car with a local driver. For such tours a detailed route planning with advance reservations of accomodation may be the best choice.